The World Neolithic Congress 2024 took place from November 4th to 8th in Şanlıurfa, Türkiye.

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The World Neolithic Congress 2024 took place from November 4th to 8th in Şanlıurfa, Türkiye. The Congress attracted 848 registered academics, over 1,000 participants from 63 countries, and 486 institutions. The event was organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Türkiye, in collaboration with Istanbul University and Harran University. At the WNC 2024, various papers were presented and discussed regarding the diverse Neolithic formations that occurred across different geographical locations and time periods, influenced by varying cultural and socio-economic trajectories. Within the context of the 22 global and 23 regional sessions held simultaneously, 687 oral presentations were given, some of which were conducted via Zoom. Additionally, 62 posters were showcased during the congress. Beyond the conceptual dimensions of the Neolithic, sessions covered several other topics, including Neolithic symbolism and art, domestication, subsistence strategies, bioarchaeology, archaeometry, physical anthropology, mortuary practices, and death rituals, as well as the natural environment, the built environment, architecture, population, and networking. At both global and regional levels, as well as in sessions focused on specific regions of the world—including Southwest Asia, Anatolia, the Aegean, Southeast Europe, Eastern Europe, the Steppes, the Caucasus, Central Asia, East Asia, the Indo-Pacific, and the Tropics—various topics were addressed.